Sarah Rees Evans

Chronic Fatigue    Vitality      Serenity

Chronic Fatigue    Vitality     Serenity

Sarah Rees Evans


a little more ABOUT sarah

Sarah had a thriving career until her health came crashing down with a mystery illness that baffled doctors. Some even told her it was all in her head and not to waste their time again. Exhausted and desperate for answers, she began a lonely journey to reclaim her health and her life.

Today, Sarah helps high-achieving women who’ve tried everything—cutting out gluten, fancy diets and medication—only to wake up every day with a body that feels like lead, brain fog that won’t clear and energy crashes that derail their lives.

She’s been where you are. Left unheard and heartbroken by doctors who didn’t believe her, Sarah had no choice but to uncover the answers herself. Now, she’s here to help you do the same and finally break free from the cycle of chronic exhaustion and frustration.

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